Package-level declarations

Main package encapsulating the public API of the library.

Main package encapsulating the public API of the library.


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Exception class thrown if an unexpected character is encountered in the JSON5 input.

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annotation class ClassDiscriminator(val discriminator: String)

Annotation to set the class discriminator of polymorphic base types.

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Type-safe builder to configure the parameters of a custom Json5 instance.

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sealed class DecodingError : InputError

Base class for errors related to the translation of syntactically correct JSON5 input into an object hierarchy.

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Exception class thrown if a specific key is encountered for the second time in the same JSON5 object.

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Exception class thrown if an unexpected end of the input stream is encountered.

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sealed class InputError : Exception

Base class of all Exceptions that the library raises in response to invalid JSON5 input.

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sealed class Json5 : StringFormat

Main interface to serialize a given object hierarchy to JSON5 or vice versa.

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Exception class thrown if an unexpected literal is encountered in the JSON5 input.

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Exception class thrown if a required field of a Kotlin class is missing.

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Exception class thrown if a number in the JSON5 input exceeds the range that the parser is able to handle.

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sealed class ParsingError : InputError

Base class for all errors related to parsing the JSON5 input.

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annotation class SerialComment(val value: String)

Annotation to specify a comment that should be serialized to every JSON5 occurrence of a property.

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Exception class thrown if a specified value in the JSON5 input is not in line with the underlying data model.

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Exception class thrown if a specified object key is not part of the data model.


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inline fun <T> Json5.decodeFromStream(inputStream: InputStream): T

Convenience function that calls Json5.decodeFromStream with the default serializer for the type.

fun <T> Json5.decodeFromStream(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, inputStream: InputStream): T

Deserializes the JSON5 input from inputStream using the given deserializer and returns an equivalent object hierarchy.

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inline fun <T> Json5.encodeToStream(value: T, outputStream: OutputStream)

Convenience function that calls Json5.encodeToStream with the default serializer for the type.

fun <T> Json5.encodeToStream(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, value: T, outputStream: OutputStream)

Serializes the given value using the given serializer and writes the result to outputStream.

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fun Json5(actions: ConfigBuilder.() -> Unit): Json5

Type-safe builder to create a custom Json5 instance.